Plant extracts for animal health

NPP, Natural Polyphenols
to improve animal performance

NPP, Natural Polyphenols to improve animal performance
NPP is a natural and effective ingredient to improve the quality of products of animal origin (meat, milk, egg, etc.) by being even better for human health and the environment. Incorporating NPP into the animal’s diet improves its performance on 3 levels:
  • the health and well-being of the animal during breeding … and also the health of the end consumer
  • the quality of the finished products: meat, milk, eggs…
  • beneficial effects for the environment

This natural ingredient is an effective and profitable concentrated mixture of polyphenols (plant extract) used for several years by feed manufacturers and among dairy cattle, meat cattle, pigs, poultry, fish etc.

NPP brings its beneficial effects to all links in the sector: for the breeder, the animal and the environment, for the processor and the distributor and of course for the end consumer.

cows in the pasture - Nutritional supplements for animals, polyphenols
Natural Polyphenols to improve animal performance
Plant extracts for animal health

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